Tuesday, February 12, 2008

So the Flu hits

I don't know how. I get back from LA last night about 11:00. Head to bed feeling fine. But this morning, something hit me like a ton of bricks. I had the flu in every sense of the word. Having missed the last few days at work, and needed to be at a Court of Appeals Oral Argument this morning, I had to make it to work.

The morning was miserable. I managed to hold myself together (as well as possible) through the morning, but when I finished at court, I headed straight home and to bed. I am not a napper. But I went straight into a deep sleep for over 3 hours. Woke up for a few hours, and decided I needed to try to put some food/fluids back in my body (I hadn't been able to retain anything else throughout the day). So I ate some soup and drank some Sprite. I felt a little better, but still felt really lousy.

So I had to decide. Was the streak going to end. I really debated it. I felt horrible. But I have told myself before - whether it be an injury or sickness - I won't let the first day of the sickness/injury stop the streak without a fight. Only after some period of time of not getting better will I reconsider. So My wife made me get out there, and I thank her for it. I managed to get out the door (whether was pretty chilly in the mid 20's) but I bundled up and went very, very slow. But I made it through, 4 miles in about 50 minutes, but I made it.

I will have to admit (as scarey as it sounds) that the best I felt all day was during and after my run. There is just something about it that makes me feel better....

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